王语新,女,中共党员,2024年6月毕业于中国农业大学作物遗传育种专业,获农学博士学位。2024年8月进入太阳集团tcy8722工作。主要从事作物遗传育种的相关研究。近年来在《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》、《The Plant Journal》、《New Phytologist》、《Plant Science》等学术期刊上发表论文多篇。
[1] Wang Y X, et al. An ABA-inducible gene IbTSJT1 positively regulates drought tolerance in transgenic sweetpotato. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia. 2023.10.015.
[2] Xue L Y#, Wang Y X#, et al. IbNF-YA1 is a key factor in the storage root development of sweet potato. The Plant Journal, 2024, 118: 1991–2002.
[3] Xue L Y#, Wei Z H#, Zhai H, Xing S H, Wang Y X, et al. The IbPYL8-IbbHLH66-IbbHLH118 complex mediates the abscisic acid-dependent drought response in sweetpotato. New Phytologist, 2022, 236: 2151-2171.
[4] ing S H, Zhu H, Zhou Y Y, Xue L Y, Wei Z H, Wang Y X, et al. A cytochrome P450 superfamily gene, IbCYP82D47, increases carotenoid contents in transgenic sweetpotato. Plant Science, 2022: 111233.